Friday, June 23, 2023

Home and Away Schedule


Asher being away at sleepaway camp brings me such joy. So long as I'm not getting calls that he's having behavioral issues or is on the brink of being kicked out (like last year), it means he's likely having the time of his life, making friends, and learning about God in the process. 

It also significantly frees up my schedule. Asher wakes up almost as early as I do, and goes to bed almost as late as I do. In between are meals, drop-off and pick-up, and otherwise making sure he's ok. 

Him being away allowed me an early morning practice round at the gold range without being late for work. It meant I could parlay a late afternoon work meeting into a meet-up with the teens at a nearby restaurant. And it has generally enabled significantly more flexibility in expanding my work hours to meet the growing list of things I have to tend to there.

As he gets older, we'll likely sign him up for more and more such weeks. The teens enjoyed being away, and I pray Asher will too, both for his sake and my schedule.

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