Friday, May 19, 2023

Life's a Trip



When I first became a principal at my firm 10 years ago, I remember first discussing with Amy what this might mean, upside and downside, for our relationship and for our family. I then sat down with Aaron and Jada, who were 8 and 6 at the time, and told them I might have later nights and longer trips but would make up the loss of quantity of time with them with quality of time with them. 

Since then, I have endeavored to spend quantity of time and quality of time with my kids. Work-life balance is hard work but worth it! I dig my job and I also want to claim the moments with my children. You do what you can and live with the hard choices when you have to make them.

Of late, I've found that short trips are a great way to claim those moments. Many of my peers enjoy extended time with their kids by coaching their sports team or driving them to music lessons. My version is taking them someplace fun. This year alone, we've done New York City, Washington DC, Ocean City NJ, Baltimore, Lancaster, Easton, and Rehoboth Beach, with Boston on deck. 

Even better for the kids, these slivers of leisure transform me into what they refer to as "Vacation Dad." "Regular Dad" is a bit of an Asian tiger, who makes them eat fruit and barks at them about homework. "Vacation Dad" is far more relaxed about bedtime and spending money. 

Our oldest is 18 and going off to college soon. As crazy as our life is and as much as I'd like to catch a breath, I know for certain I'll long for these days when I'm older and grayer. Every trip is a seizing of an opportunity for extended time to be together, have fun, and make memories. Glad for every one we take!

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