Thursday, November 07, 2019

Asher Thinking the World Revolves Around Him Reminds Me It Doesn't Revolve Around Me

Image result for the world doesn't revolve around youAs a four-year-old, Asher believes the world revolves around him, and he isn’t given much evidence to the contrary.  Which may seem incredibly self-important but is actually quite age-appropriate.  And while it is not true that the world revolves around Asher, the fact that he believes this is a helpful reminder to me that the world does not revolve around me.

I can’t tell you how wonderfully grounding it is to come home from work and have Asher immediately want to tell me about his day, come sit with him at the dinner table, or if I’m home a little later read him bedtime stories.  It doesn’t matter if I closed a huge contract or couldn’t get anything right, if I was lauded or yelled at all day.  He treats me the same, which is to say he bosses me around and wants to spend time with me all at once. 

Life can be stressful.  But a lot of the stress we feel is self-imposed, when we forget that we’re not the center of the universe, and that good day or bad day the world keeps turning and we are still who we are.  I’m thankful to have a little four-year-old to provide me a daily reminder of this profound truth.

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