Friday, September 06, 2019

33 Things You Should Do Before You Graduate from High School

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As Jada has embarked on her high school career, I realize this is yet another chapter in the act of letting go.  As parents, we go from catering to our child's every need (infant) to setting boundaries (toddler) to providing lessons (adolescence).  By high school, we realize that our children's greatest growth is going to come from their own initiative, and more often than not it will be lessons from others (peers, teachers, coaches) than from you.  

Of course, this does not mean we parents take a back seat.  Far from it.  This is a crucial time, to be available and to spend time and to impart wisdom.  One of the ways I wanted to express my love for Jada and my hope that she makes the most of these precious high school years is to make the list below.  This is things to do before you graduate from high school, and I actively welcome you adding or editing as you have any bright ideas.

1.    Have at least one Asian, black, Hispanic, and white friend in your group of friends.

2.    Try out for a sport.

3.    Do some sort of musical solo performance.

4.    Learn another language well enough to survive in a place where it is spoken.

5.    Learn how to manage your money.

6.    Live in another country for a month or more.

7.    Hold down a job for three months or more.

8.    Learn some computer skill.

9.    Get in the habit of reading the news.

10. Learn how to ask for help, to advocate for yourself, and to persist in both if you aren't immediately successful.

11. Go to prom.

12. Develop good habits around eating, sleeping, and exercising.

13. Cultivate relationships with at least three teachers who you stay in touch with outside of taking their class.

14. Write a letter to yourself, to be read upon graduating from college, in which you talk about your aspirations and your fears.

15. Develop a love for leisure reading, and the habit of reading at least one book per month.

16. Get to know the names of the cafeteria workers, security officers, janitors, and maintenance staff, and get in the habit of saying thank you to them.

17. Write in your prayer journal at least once a week.

18. Reflect on and write about your unique story: where you came from, what you're good at, and what you feel God has called you to be.

19. Pick 2-3 professions you think you might be interested in pursuing, and get to know adults in those professions that you can ask questions of.

20. Attend a high school event that you would not otherwise be interested in, just to support your classmates and show school spirit.

21. Figure out what is a political or cultural topic that you are passionate about, and get in the habit of being informed about that topic.

22. Ask someone out on a date.

23. Learn how to manage your time.

24. Always keep an eye out for classmates who look like they are lonely, sad, or being bullied, and think of small gestures that tell them you are their friend.

25. Take as many AP classes as you can.  Don't worry what your GPA is.

26. Learn how to cook a few simple things.

27. Learn how to plan a trip, including booking travel, reading a map, and setting an itinerary.

28. Study early and often for the SAT.

29. Do as many extra-curricular activities as you like, but for at least one semester be the head of one thing.

30. Find a volunteer service activity that is meaningful to you and get in the habit of doing it.

31. Practice writing in lots of different formats whenever you have the opportunity.

32. Take lots of pictures.

33. Take advantage of the fact that Mommy and I love you, accept you, and will run through a brick wall for you: come to us for anything, anytime, anywhere.

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