Thursday, September 06, 2012

Back to Normal, But Not For Very Long

After seven weeks at the Y and two weeks of vacation, our morning and evening commute were back to what we're used to, which is me walking Jada and Aaron a couple of blocks down the street to Penn Alexander and PIC.  In the days leading up to the start of the school year (Jada tomorrow and Aaron the 19th), PIC (where they will be during their after-school hours once the school year starts) runs full-day.  It was a little bumpy figuring out exactly where on the campus drop-off and pick-up were, since they're both in new classes (Jada in Hawks and Aaron in Dragontails), but no complaints. 

Of course, once we are told where Aaron is going to school, that will bring a new normal in terms of morning and evening commute: one or both might now involve two separate locations.  Well, for a couple of weeks at least, we'll be doing what we had been doing all along.  And then it will be time to figure out a new way.

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