Sunday, July 29, 2012

Y x21

 You’d think that going to summer camp at the Y from before 8 in the morning to almost 6 in the evening every weekday would deter us or the kids from using the Y on the weekends.  Somehow, we’ve actually upped our weekend usage of the Y.  I like squeezing in a swim on Saturday mornings before I teach, and Amy and the kids like coming too, because Amy says it forces her to get up and get productive and the kids like punishing us in the pool while we try to get our laps in (they like grabbing at Amy’s legs and splashing me).  Plus it’s been so hot, and there is no Sunday School this month, so we’ve had time to do it all over again on Sunday mornings as well.  So, for the record, it’s been 21 straight days (and counting!) that the kids have been at the Y.  That’s got to be some kind of record.

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