Friday, August 26, 2011

Ocean City 2011 - Day 6

Our friends left bright and early in the morning - just as I had come back from my morning run - and their timing was good, as the day was dominated by grey skies and news about Hurricane Irene. Jada and Aaron were all beached out anyway, so it turned out to be a good day to watch TV and read books.

Amy's parents were nice enough to take the two kids to Cape May Zoo so Amy and I could hit the boardwalk sans children. It was fun to bike the four miles from our beach house to the heart of the boardwalk, window shop, and eat pizza on our own. It started raining as we were heading home, but getting soaked only added to the fun. (We're weird like that.)

Amy's parents and Aaron and Jada were finishing up delivery pizza themselves when we arrived. We walked down the street for ice cream, did bedtime, and then tuned in on TV and Internet to figure out when we would need to evacuate and what we could squeeze out of our beach vacation in the meantime.

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