Friday, October 24, 2008

Taking Snow White to the Aquarium

Weeknights out are obviously a rarity in the Huang household. But when Adventure Aquarium announced a members-only Halloween-themed party, we knew we had to be there. Aaron was too sick to be out late, so our family outing turned into a "Dada and Jada" special: zipping through the entire aquarium in one hour.

I was a little disappointed that there weren't more candy stations, but it was nice to tour the place at night, with less people around. Plus the "shark tank" (moving floor, vivid footage of great whites circling) was compelling enough to make Jada cry. I think Jada got a big kick out of being able to dress up, go out with just me, and have fun on a school night.

We'll be sure to make up our candy deficit over the next week, between another aquarium run, Boo at the Zoo, the annual Clark Park parade, and, of course, trick or treating. I took video last night, and will try to get that up together with other Halloween stuff I get.

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