Monday, November 15, 2021

COVID Quarantine


Earlier this month, we concluded an unexpected quarantine of Asher due to his having been exposed to COVID while at school.  He'd just been hitting a rhythm going to school after being remote all kindergarten when I got the call one Wednesday morning that his entire class was being sent home and would need to patch into class virtually for the next week.  

Needless to say, this threw our carefully calibrated family schedule for quite a loop.  I ended up staying home with him that day plus Friday, while Amy took Thursday.  Over the weekend, we were able to get him tested and found out the same day he was negative, enabling us to send him to a back-up child care facility the next Monday and Tuesday before we was free to return to school on Wednesday.

Besides the scheduling hiccup, and quite frankly caused by it, Asher's behavior deteriorated pretty significantly.  He needs structure, and the utter lack of it had him bouncing off the walls, at times defiant and brooding, and all in all quite a handful for everyone involved.  

It's continued to be bumpy as he tries to settle back into a routine, but at least we're going in the right direction, albeit not without our trials and tribulations.  The era of COVID is one in which parents of young kids in particular have had to exercise extreme flexibility.  And, being privileged with many resources, if it threw us around so badly my heart goes out for those whose margin for error is far thinner.  Together we will hope to get through it all.

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