Thursday, July 22, 2021

2nd Paycheck

After striking out last summer mostly due to COVID, Jada landed a job this year at Papa John's, and it's been a life lesson and a delightful blessing to make money.  Amy and I are pleased, because first jobs teach you so much, and earning a paycheck is a good feeling we want our kids to experience.

Turns out Aaron snuck up on us and got in on the act too.  I got a random call earlier this month from a number I didn't recognize.  It wasn't flagged as spam so I picked it up.  It was Aaron, calling from camp and asking if he could shift from being a camper to being a worker, because all his friends he'd met at camp over the years were now old enough to work at camp and he wanted to join them.

I was delighted to hear his voice after weeks away, and even more excited that he was going to be put to work, especially since it meant being able to hang out with friends.  The fact that they'll be washing dishes and sweeping floors and doing landscaping doesn't seem to faze him, so long as he's with his buds, and it's a plus for me since every 14-year-old boy should do some hard labor in his life.

His pay is piddly, but that's to be expected, since they're putting him up and feeding him too.  And, as with Jada, even a little bit of money is more than he's ever held in his life, so he'll get the same benefit of making money and having some agency over what to do with it.

With Jada having claimed her first job at 16, I had assumed Aaron would do the same when he got to her age.  Didn't realize he'd follow so close behind.  Looking forward to him coming home so we can hit up to buy food for us all!

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