Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Huang Family Newsletter, June 2020

June meant the end of a most unusual school year and the start of a summer unlike any we've ever experienced.  
Asher's preschool opens back up next week and he's eager to reconnect with old friends and teachers, though he's enjoyed the kids and workers at the backup home-based child care place we've been sending him to since the shutdown.

Aaron and Jada got fantastic grades in 7th and 9th grades.  Alas, their cherished summer plans of sleepaway camps and first jobs have been cast aside, and in their place are reading and writing assignments from their Tiger Dad.

Amy and Lee continue to do just enough to maintain their sanity while juggling work, parenting, and chores.  Alas, a sorely needed kid-free getaway (to Chicago) was yet another casualty of the pandemic.

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