Thursday, June 11, 2020

Bible/Prayer Prompts

How to Start Bible Journaling for Beginners - Sara Laughed Last week I shared reading and documentary prompts for the older kids to tackle this summer in light of cancelled camps.  Today I want to share some Bible and prayer prompts I've asked them to work through starting next week.  In the 11 weeks until school starts up again, I want them to read through the entirety of the Bible (works out to about 15 chapters a day) and spend some time at the end of every day journaling and praying through a few basic questions.  Feel free to share and use, and let me know if you have any comments.

Every morning: read Bible ~30 minutes
Every evening: journaling/prayer ~30 minutes

M 6/15
Genesis 1-8
Job 1-3
Matthew 1-4
T 16
Gen 9-16
Job 4-6
Matt 5-8
W 17
Gen 17-24
Job 7-9
Matt 9-12
Th 18
Gen 25-32
Job 10-12
Matt 13-16
F 19
Gen 33-41
Job 13-16
Matt 17-20
Sa 20
Gen 42-50
Job 17-20
Matt 21-24
Su 21
Exodus 1-8
Job 21-24
Matt 25-28
M 22
Exo 9-16
Job 25-28
Mark 1-4
T 23
Exo 17-24
Job 29-32
Mark 5-8
W 24
Exo 25-32
Job 33-36
Mark 9-12
Th 25
Exo 33-40
Job 37-39
Mark 13-16
F 26
Leviticus 1-9
Job 40-42
Luke 1-4
Sa 27
Lev 10-18
Psalms 1-3
Luke 5-8
Su 28
Lev 19-27
Ps 4-6
Luke 9-12
M 29
Numbers 1-9
Ps 7-9
Luke 13-16
T 30
Num 10-18
Ps 10-12
Luke 17-20
W 7/1
Num 19-27
Ps 13-15
Luke 21-24
Th 2
Num 28-36
Ps 16-18
John 1-3
F 3
Deuteronomy 1-8
Ps 19-21
John 4-6
Sa 4
Deut 9-17
Ps 22-24
John 7-9
Su 5
Deut 18-25
Ps 25-27
John 10-12
M 6
Deut 26-34
Ps 28-30
John 13-15
T 7
Joshua 1-8
Ps 31-33
John 16-18
W 8
Josh 9-16
Ps 34-36
John 19-21
Th 9
Josh 17-24
Ps 37-39
Acts 1-4
F 10
Judges 1-8
Ps 40-42
Acts 5-8
Sa 11
Jud 9-17
Ps 43-45
Acts 9-12
Su 12
Jud 18-21, Ruth 1-4
Ps 46-48
Acts 13-16
M 13
1 Samuel 1-8
Ps 49-51
Acts 17-20
T 14
1 Sam 9-16
Ps 52-54
Acts 21-24
W 15
1 Sam 17-24
Ps 55-57
Acts 25-28
Th 16
1 Sam 25-31
Ps 58-60
Romans 1-2
F 17
2 Samuel 1-8
Ps 61-63
Rom 3-4
Sa 18
2 Sam 9-16
Ps 64-66
Rom 5-6
Su 19
2 Sam 17-24
Ps 67-69
Rom 7-8
M 20
1 Kings 1-11
Ps 70-72
Rom 9-11
T 21
1 Ki 12-21
Ps 73-75
Rom 12-13
W 22
2 Kings 1-8
Ps 76-78
Rom 114-16
Th 23
2 Ki 9-17
Ps 79-81
Rom 15-16
F 24
2 Ki 18-25
Ps 82-84
1 Corinthians 1-4
Sa 25
1 Chronicles 1-9
Ps 85-87
1 Cor 5-8
Su 26
1 Chr 10-19
Ps 88-90
1 Cor 9-12
M 27
1 Chr 20-29
Ps 91-93
1 Cor 13-16
T 28
2 Chronicles 1-9
Ps 94-96
2 Cor 1-3
W 29
2 Chr 10-18
Ps 97-99
2 Cor 4-6
Th 30
2 Chr 19-27
Ps 100-102
2 Cor 7-10
F 31
2 Chr 28-36
Ps 103-105
2 Cor 11-13
Sa 8/1
Ezra 1-10
Ps 106-108
Galatians 1-3
Su 2
Nehemiah 1-7
Ps 109-111
Gal 4-6
M 3
Neh 8-13
Ps 112-114
Ephesians 1-3
T 4
Esther 1-10
Ps 115-117
Eph 4-6
W 5
Isaiah 1-10
Ps 118-120
Philippians 1-4
Th 6
Isa 11-20
Ps 121-123
Colossians 1-4
F 7
Isa 21-30
Ps 124-126
1 Thessalonians 1-3
Sa 8
Isa 31-39
Ps 127-129
1 Th 4-5
Su 9
Isa 33-39
Ps 130-132
2 Thessalonians 1-3
M 10
Isa 40-48
Ps 133-135
1 Tim 1-3
T 11
Isa 49-57
Ps 136-138
1 Tim 4-6
W 12
Isa 58-66
Ps 139-141
2 Timothy 1-4
Th 13
Jeremiah 1-9
Ps 142-144
Titus 1-3, Philemon 1
F 14
Jer 10-18
Ps 145-147
Heb 1-3
Sa 15
Jer 19-27
Ps 148-150
Heb 4-7
Su 16
Jer 28-36
Proverbs 1-3
Heb 8-10
M 17
Jer 37-45
Prov 4-6
Heb 11-13
T 18
Jer 46-52, Lamentations 1-5
Prov 7-9
James 1-3
W 19
Ezekiel 1-9
Prov 10-12
Jam 4-5
Th 20
Eze 10-18
Prov 13-15
1 Peter 1-3
F 21
Eze 19-27
Prov 16-18
1 Pet 4-5
Sa 22
Eze 28-36
Prov 19-21
2 Peter 1-3
Su 23
Eze 37-45
Prov 22-24
1 John 1-3
M 24
Eze 46-48, Daniel 1-6
Prov 25-27
1 Jo 4-5
T 25
Dan 7-12, Hosea 1-7
Prov 28-31
2 John 1, 3 John 1, Jude 1
W 26
Hos 8-14, Joel 1-3
Ecclesiastes 1-4
Revelation 1-4
Th 27
Amos 1-9, Obadiah 1
Eccl 5-8
Rev 5-8
F 28
Jonah 1-4, Micah 1-7
Eccl 9-12
Rev 9-12
Sa 29
Nahum 1-3, Haggai 1-3, Zephaniah 1-3
Song of Solomon 1-4
Rev 13-16
Su 30
Haggai 1-2, Zechariah 1-7
Song 5-8
Rev 17-19

Journaling/prayer prompts (feel free to respond to any or all of them on a given day):
·         What was the main lesson from the Bible readings?
·         What was an action or thought where you were in the wrong that you need to confess to God (and potentially get right with someone else)?
·         What was a moment from today where you felt God was showing you something of His goodness and glory?
·         What happened today that you want to bring to God to ask for His help?
·         From today’s events, do you have any clarity on what God is doing in your life, to shape you into the person He wants you to be?

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