Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Proud of Our High School Jada

Jada has now been in high school at Central for about a month.  I have drunk all the Central Koolaid, since I know a zillion alumni and respect them all, and since I am so excited about all Jada will get out of her four years there: a diverse community, top-notch academics, and so many extra-curricular opportunities.  I am unashamed to say I am vicariously living through my daughter as she goes through her high school years, and I couldn't be more joyous about all she has before her.

I also couldn't be more proud of how she's handled herself so far.  To be sure, this Tiger Dad will always hope for higher scores and better grades.  But high school is so much more than your GPA.  Jada is maturing before our eyes in how she is approaching her time at Central.  She handles without complaint waking up early and getting to school via public transit.  She is exhibiting good thinking in processing which clubs to join and how much to get involved.  And she is open to making friends and has done so with a diversity of classmates from all over the city.

It's what I hoped for when Amy and I made a decision early on to give her lots of room to grow up and make choices for herself.  She's navigated SEPTA solo for well over a year.  She's been a latchkey kid and owned a smart phone since the beginning of 4th grade.  And it's been longer since we had to look over her shoulder as she took care of her homework assignments.

There have been bumps and hiccups along the way, but that's part of growing up.  And I'm sure there will be more bumps and hiccups ahead.  But she's in a good place and I am so proud of her. 

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