Wednesday, September 25, 2019

New School

Earlier this month, Asher switches schools, from Brightside Academy at 40th and Market to Parent Infant Center at 43rd and Locust.  In this, he is following in the footsteps of both his big siblings, who attended both schools in the same order.  We are delighted that Asher's two teachers also taught Aaron and Jada; we loved them then, and are glad they're still around to take in the Asher experience.

So about that.  He's been mostly on good behavior.  A new setting, new activities, and new friends have all been pluses and not minuses for him.  His special services carry over to the new place, and everyone who has been meeting with him on a regular basis for a while now have given a good report since they've started meeting with him at his new school. Transitions can still be tough, especially when they involve the class pivoting to a new activity when he wasn't ready to give up the old activity, and his resulting tantrums still take too much teacher energy to deal with in a room full of other kids.  So it's a work in progress. 

But all in all we're thankful for his new school, and for the learning experiences he'll enjoy there.  And I would be remiss if I didn't give a big shout out to his old school, which has now taken good care of all three of our kids, and which had to deal with the full Asher experience day in and day out for over a year.  We are grateful in our hearts for the extended village that is seeing Asher through childhood.

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