Saturday, September 13, 2014

1st Week of School

Photo: Just warming up but already they sound heavenly
Photo: 1st day of 2nd/4th grade! (Not pictured: 5 big tote bags of supplies,  as required now by Phila Schl District.)Photo: Karate kids (Aaron is in the corner getting an intro lesson)I had queued up a post so that during the first day of school on Monday I could publish pictures and commentary.  We are obviously well past Monday now.  What can I say?  It's been a whirlwind first week of school: recalibrating daily routines, starting the kids on two new extra-curricular activities (karate for Aaron and choir for Jada), a whole battery of administrivia to stay on top of.

Compounding matters, a house project we were hoping would be done while we were away has gone long so our home is a construction site, plus Aaron had a serious coughing fit after the first day of school that required Amy and I having to make contingency plans in case he couldn't make it into school the next day (he made it in, but we did take him to the doctor's later in the week).

All in all, I'd say...bring on the weekend.

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