Friday, March 15, 2024

This is Us


Amy and I watched the first episode of "This is Us" several years ago, when we were in the midst of our own adoption-induced emotional roller coaster. We remember really liking the show, but feeling we weren't ready to dive further in, given how raw our own feelings were at the time. So we ceased watching and let things be.

Fast forward to the present, and we have been catching up on and enjoying all the episodes. If you're not familiar, the show takes place across two points in time, during the childhood and then adulthood of three siblings and their parents, the three siblings including the surviving two of triplets (the third didn't make it at birth) and a Black boy who was abandoned at birth and brought to the hospital on the same day. 

I knew the show would pull at my heartstrings, but I don't think I was adequately prepared for all of the ways the drama in the show would open up for me new aspects of the joys and sorrows of adoption, race, marriage, and parenthood. Life is full of these ups and downs, artfully captured in this lovely show and mirrored in the tumult of our own lives. Thankful for it all. This is, truly, us. PS No spoilers; we're only one season in so far!

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