The last part of Asher's bedtime routine is I sing him a worship song. The second to last part is we pray together, which sometimes involves him praying silently or out loud but usually involves me praying.
Things will come up here and there, but there are some standard things I'll pray for, particularly things for Amy and each kid. So, without fail, we pray about those things. I like that this is a standing thing Asher and I do.
But I realize we don't pray for me. Honestly, I care more to lift up the needs of the other members of my family, than I do to lift up my own needs. Plus, it's not like I don't pray for myself on my own time.
But, am I sending the wrong signal to Asher? That somehow I don't have or am not allowed to have things that I want to lay before God? That doesn't seem like a good thing for Asher to learn. Parents, what do you think?
What a lovely foundation of faith in action you are rooting in your children. As I grow as a parent I see the power of being vulnerable and authentic in front of and with my family. I think of the moments where I've said I'm sorry, asked for forgiveness, or asked for prayer and on the whole I think there's real power in this. And of course some neede are not able to be carried by my kids, so there's important discretion in that. We have a phrase in our family, "Can I pray for you right now?" Now that the kids are older, this can be interjected in a heated discussion, in the middle of tears, or on the way out the door. So, more power to you Lee. Keep on keeping on!
Beautifully said, Amy!!!
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