Friday, November 10, 2023

What it Takes


Being a working parent in the year of our Lord 2023 is not for the faint of heart. I don't think, even if you are independently wealthy, that you can "have it all," since life is all about trade-offs. But, you can have balance, if you are clear about what's important to you, are willing to work hard to prioritize that, and can be at peace about things you have to sacrifice.

What it takes for me to give it my all as a consultant and civic leader, father and husband, and introvert who is committed to not cheating myself of the self-care I need, is commitment to and execution of a weekday schedule that most people would consider a non-starter but I have been able to routinize:

4am-6am wake, pray/Bible, exercise, shower/change, email

6am-8am make breakfasts/lunches, dishes, nap, take Asher to school

8am-6pm work

6pm-8pm pick up Asher, dinner, homework, Asher shower/snack/bedtime

8pm-10pm work, read

10pm-4am sleep

It's a grind, no doubt, so I try to intersperse with personal days and I do try to sleep in (until 6am lol) on the weekends. I won't always work and I won't always have kids at home, and honestly when I don't have either I'm sure I'll long for these days. So they're hard but they're not unenjoyable. In fact, I quite like it.

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