Thursday, September 01, 2016

Rehoboth Beach, Days 10-12

Day 10
Asher has continued to wake up early, so it appears our sunrise date is a norm now.  When he and I returned to the house, Amy pleaded for more sleep so I took all the kids to a different playground to putter around.  After Asher's morning nap, we decided to hit White Water Mountain; the crowds thin out considerably during the week, and plus it's the very end of the summer, so we decided to hit this local water park.  It was nice to basically never have to wait for a ride.  Asher didn't last too long, so Amy took him home and Jada, Aaron, and I rode rides and luxuriated in the lazy pool for another couple of hours.  We walked to a nearby Chinese buffet for a late lunch and then hit the nearby outlet malls until Asher woke up and Amy was able to pick us up.  We hit the boardwalk to shop for souvenirs and then called it an early night.

Day 11
Asher and I did our morning sunrise walk...again.  (I guess sleeping in is not going to be part of this vacation.)  Once we got back home, Amy took him for coffee and playground, and that tired him out enough for his morning nap, during which I ran to the Y, lifted, and ran back.  Once Asher awoke, we tested the beach again, but were very leery about the ocean due to the waves being extremely choppy.  This time, we all headed back home once Asher was ready for his afternoon nap; while he slept, Amy cooked, the kids watched TV, and I crashed out too.  We had corn and spaghetti for dinner, hit the boardwalk for souvenirs and dessert, and called it a night.

Day 12
It is dawning on us that our vacation is coming to an end, so we are trying to make the most of our last few days.  As per usual, this day started early, with Asher rising and me taking him out for a sunrise walk.  When we returned, Amy asked us to head right back out with her to get coffee.  Between those two walks, that was enough to get Asher to his morning nap, during which I made another quick run to the Y.  When he woke up around noon, we all headed to a nearby playground to totter around, and then Amy and Asher spent the day together shopping and walking while Jada, Aaron, and I had ourselves quite the afternoon.  Between go karts, bumper boats, and water slides, we got our money's worth.  We closed the day getting Chick Fil A to bring home to Amy, and then chilled for the evening.

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