Friday, May 15, 2015

Jada's Choir Concert

Just getting around to posting about Jada's choir concert from last weekend.  Though it made for a very late night for all of us, it was worth it to hear her and her choirmates sing like angels.  I posted some snippets of video on my Instagram feed, but am kicking myself that I didn't have the "record" button on the whole time, or at least for the final note of the final song, "The Rainbow Connection," which brought me chills and caused the whole audience to give a standing ovation. 

Amy and Asher stayed home - we're still skittish about Asher in crowded places since he's less than a month old and prone to germs - but met us at a new Pakistani restaurant in our neighborhood, where we feasted on Pakistani-style fried chicken and hot&sour soup.  Not a bad Saturday night for the Huangs.

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