Monday, November 12, 2012

Ice Cream Party

Photo: Waffle cones!!! On weekends, Lee's Diner does takeout Chinese and ice cream parties kitchen is affectionately referred to as "Lee's Diner."  Somehow, even though Amy does all the cooking and I'm just a lowly waiter and busboy, the kids see the place as mine.  During the week, I faithfully set the table, dispense fruits and vegetables, and wash the dishes.  Unsurprisingly, my two steady customers don't tip well.

This weekend, we changed things up at Lee's Diner.  We got takeout Chinese at a nearby place, and I had gotten ice cream fixings at the grocery store earlier in the day for an ice cream party.  The kids delighted in waffle cones, chocolate syrup, and cherries on top, their reward for finishing all the chores with minimal yelling from Amy and me. 

It was a lot of fun.  And now, back to the weekdays and back to the Lee's Diner they usually know.

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