Sunday, June 07, 2009

Garden Getaway

We Huangs are not a spontaneous bunch. Weekends are usually carefully thought out, not left gaping open for whims to dictate. But with me being out for three days on business mid-week, and Amy crunched between her studies and our kids' various appointments, we were leery of scheduling anything this weekend. And so, faced with the dreaded question, "What are we going to do today," Amy made a fabulous suggestion: "How about Longwood Gardens?"

Though the sun never did fully make an appearance, it was a pleasant and calm morning, interrupted only occasionally by having to yell at one or both of our kids, mostly when they were getting too close to water. (As you can see from the photos below, they got plenty of water.) Amy was more into the flowers, some of which were pretty enough to elicit audible gasps. Me, I toggled between soaking in this lush oasis of natural beauty and snapping photo after photo.


Unknown said...

i notice aaron is wearing 2 different shirts. nice planning mom and dad.

Unknown said...

oh jada too!

LH said...

May - lesson learned from when we were there last month! Kudos goes to Amy for remembering.