Sunday, May 31, 2009

Familiar Setting, New Sights

Of all the places we take our kids, the zoo holds a special place in our hearts. It was our first membership and has been the scene of so many fun outings. And yet, with a flurry of other options to choose from, we hadn't been there in a little bit. So when we arrived there first thing yesterday morning, I wondered if the kids would have a good time.

Did they ever. It helped that the new McNeil Avian Center was opening that day, which provided a new exhibit for them to explore. Speaking of birds, Aaron was spooked by a mean goose that snatched a cheese cracker right out of his hand as we were parked at a picnic bench having a snack. Aaron quickly recovered, and he and Jada enjoyed the petting zoo, and were mesmerized at the sight of multiple sheep and goats pooping poop pellets out of their butts. And the tigers were so close that morning that, but for reinforced glass, Aaron and Jada could've petted and/or jumped on them.

All in all, a good time was had by all. I'm sure we'll be back again soon to this familiar and yet always fresh haunt of ours.

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