Thursday, May 08, 2008

Another Ear Infection

Aaron's gotten at least a half-dozen ear infections in the past year.  Amy took him to the doctor's every single time.  So this morning it was only fair that it was my turn. 

Just this Monday, he had finished his ten-day regimen from his double ear infection in late April.  But Tuesday morning, his temperature spiked up; I gave him some Motrin, shipped him off to day care, and hoped they wouldn't call and tell me to come get him.  And thankfully, they didn't; and when I went to get the kids, he was feeling much cooler. 

But Wednesday evening, he was starting to feel warm again, and coughed for much of the night and into the morning.  When I got him the next morning, he was blazing.  Rectally, he clocked in at 105.1 (!).  So a call to the pediatrician was in order.

Fortunately, we were able to get a morning time slot.  And that's when we found out it was yet another ear infection (or else that one of his two ears hadn't fully cleared out).  Doc said to see him in two weeks, and if Aaron's not recovered by then, or has another one this summer, it's time for tubes. 

Aaron did wonderfully at the doctor, letting him listen to his heart and look into his ears without making a peep.  But you can tell he's not feeling well.  Poor little guy. 

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