Monday, January 15, 2007

Easier or Harder Wait

Thanks to those who have sent congratulations re: the boy born in Taiwan.  I have more info, including pictures and a name, but am holding them close to the vest until we are further along in the process, since this is by no means a done deal.

Until then, I was asked by a friend today if this has been an easier or harder wait than the one we went through for Jada.  The answer so far is both.  It has been easier because we've been through one wait before and we know all the more that God's timing is perfect.  It's easier, too, because from start to finish the whole process will be a tad shorter, and much shorter than our anticipated wait for Child #3. 

Yet harder because we know how wonderful it is to be a parent and we can't wait all the more to be this boy's parent.  And harder because we know who it is and what he looks like so much earlier in the process than with Jada, who we first saw pictures of at five months and finally met her less than three months later. 

Finally, I think, harder, because we don't know how long the wait will be.  The adoption agency we used to get Jada, who we liked so much we're using them again for our second China adoption, told us it would be six months from the completion of our paperwork to a placement, and then another two or three months until we went to China - and they were right on the money.  With Taiwan, the length of time is an unknown.  Imagine being pregnant, but only knowing the due date with a margin of error of eight to ten weeks. 

So the anticipation is killing us.  Thank you for waiting with us and praying for us. 

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