Wednesday, September 08, 2021

The Napping Room


Once we moved Asher up to his 3rd floor bedroom, that freed up his former room in the front of our 1st floor.  We decided that since it's right off the front door, we would repurpose it as essentially a closet, to store shoes and coats, thus opening up our foyer where a lot of that stuff had piled up.  And, to enable it to be a place for guests to crash if need be, we bought a futon that could toggle between couch and bed as needed.

That futon, and the room in general, has proven to be clutch.  Asher has long ceased napping, although not for lack of need.  Case in point is every time we go for a reasonably long drive in the middle of the day, which invariably leads to him nodding off.  But we can no longer send him to his room in the middle of the day and expect that he'll fall asleep, or even be quiet for more than a few minutes.

His newly converted old bedroom provided an opportunity to try to re-open that window.  To him, I christened the room "the napping room," and told him that on weekends he and I could take a nap there.  My hope was to create enough spark to get him to buy in.

Alas, it hasn't worked.  Oh, we'll go in there and get comfy.  But he won't nap.  But I still can, so maybe I'll call it a half-victory.  "The napping room" has stuck as a label for the room.  I sure wish he was the one napping too.  At least I can use it to catch some Z's.

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