Friday, July 12, 2019

What I Gotta Be

Image result for growth spurt cartoonHow many times has Asher asked to do something and I have to tell him he has to wait until he's older?  Too many to count.  So Asher has now taken to asking, "What I gotta be?"  What he means is that in his head he understands that he is now four, and he wants to know how many years old he has to be in order to do something.  If I say something like "5" or "6," then it is an understandable amount of time in the future.  If I say something like "12" or "16," he looks at me funny because he has no ability to think that far into the future.  But regardless, he keeps asking, "What I gotta be?"  Slow down, kid, I'm trying to make the most of each phase of your life.

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