Thursday, March 14, 2019


Image result for tongue twistedMispronunciations are a part of childhood.  To this day, we still tease Jada for calling Roo (from Winnie the Pooh) "Roof," while Aaron somehow decided that a snake was a "nake."  (The whole point of learning the word "snake" is elongating the "s" sound at the beginning!)

So far, Asher's troubles seem to be around the "l" sound and the "v" sound, which become "w" and "b" respectively.  Oh, how many times have Amy and I smiled, laughed, or fallen to the floor in stitches when he talks about his "fat wegs" ("legs") or being proud of eating his "betcha-bulls" ("vegetables").

Perhaps it's not appropriate to make light of what may be an ongoing difficult among a sea of issues we are working on with him.  But we can't help but find it cute, and hopefully something we look back in a few years with fondness.

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