Monday, September 01, 2014

Huangs in Wbg/DC, Day 2

The first of a two-day blitz through the best theme parks Williamsburg has to offer.  First stop: Busch Gardens.  Unlike Hershey or Disney, which we've both done in the past 12 months, this place has no familiar stories or revered creator, which made the place both disorienting and refreshing, if that makes sense.

At any rate, it wasn't nearly as crowded as either place, so we were able to hit all the major rides without any more than a 20-minute wait.  Jada is fearful of the big roller coasters, while Aaron has a new-found courage for them, so a lot of the stops were just Amy going, or just Amy and Aaron going, or Amy and Aaron going and then me and Aaron going.

Between the thrills and our steady drip of sustenance (big breakfast before we headed into the park, lunch at 1p, water ice at 4p), we were able to make it 10+ hours with little brother melting down.  Jada seemed to have fun, too, and the grown-ups were on their best behavior after an initial crabbiness in the morning.  (I won't say by who, except to say that it wasn't Amy.)

By the way, it was 97 degrees.  So the hotel pool felt mighty fine when we got back.  That plus fast food and cable TV (our new vacation indulgences) made for a relaxing evening, even though our legs were sore from all the walking in the heat.  It was another good day for the Huangs.

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