Thursday, August 13, 2020

Going to Our Happy Place

This year has been something else.  The kids are really struggling because everything exciting about summer was cancelled.  In place of first jobs and sleepaway camps have been lots of educational documentaries and reading assignments, masking up and staying safe.  


Boardwalk and beach in Rehoboth reopen Friday with restrictions ...

Once upon a time, when I was looking ahead to this summer, I thought maybe this would be the year to do Orlando.  Asher would be 5, the older kids were running out of childhood, and so it was time to seize the moment.  Alas, Asher's behavior continued to give us pause about schlepping him around multiple theme parks in the same week and having that go well.  So we postponed Disney for a year and booked another trip to Rehoboth Beach.  Not that we consider this second best; after all, this magical town has become a cherished happy place for our family over the years.

Fast forward to the present, and while COVID restrictions will impinge upon some of our usual Rehoboth rhythms (the local Y still isn't open to out-of-towners, some water parks and amusement parks have limited hours), after the summer we've had we're hoping the time away will mean some R&R for the parents and some fun for the kids.  We all need it desperately.  

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