Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The Upside of Conformity

Asher has now been in preschool for a few weeks and...well, it's been a transition.  He's gone from being the center of his own universe to being one of many kids in a structured classroom setting, which has been an adjustment for him.  But a necessary one: despite "conformity" seeming like a bad word, it is good to understand that we can't just go through life doing whatever we want whenever we want, but sometimes we have to follow a schedule or follow instruction.

Of course, there are different learning styles out there, and some tend towards elevating child-driven explorations, and I respect that.  And, even within a structured environment, the goal is for kids, who have different talents and learning styles and temperaments, to thrive according to who they uniquely are.  But, count me among those who are glad that Asher, at this stage in his life, is learning that he is not the center of the universe and that he needs to learn to play well with others and listen to instructions.

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