Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The Importance of Play

Lately through a variety of channels I have had the pleasure of absorbing a lot of great information from people and events focused on the importance of play to children's development.  It is an incredibly important concept, with profound implications not only for how we educate our kids in our schools but how we invest in our public spaces (libraries, parks, streets). As someone who is very future-oriented, and who parents with that lens very much in mind, this theme resonates greatly with me, and influences what I want for our kids so that they can be healthy and productive adults.

But it's also important to give weight to the here and now.  Play is important for kids not only for how it prepares them for the future, but because it is good right now to experience joy for joy's sake.  It rubs off on us adults too; I can't tell you how soothing it is for me after a long week to experience joy vicariously through Asher's eyes as he plays.  (It helps that he is so cute and has a million dollar smile.)  I'm writing today to remind myself that while preparing for tomorrow is important, so is enjoying today. 

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