Monday, December 23, 2013

Save the Zebras
The end-of-year rush for me includes getting charitable donations in so they count for 2013.  (Yes, even my most altruistic moments are flavored with a heavy dose of naked self-interest.) 

For the last couple of years, that's included helping Jada consider where she can put her money to use.  This year she decided to repeat her selection from Heifer International's gift catalog, whereby you buy a farm animal for a poor family to help them generate income.  This year she chose honeybees!

We also looked into places that help zebras, naturally, and found a wildlife conservancy that is working to preserve the habitats of the Grevy's zebra in Kenya and Ethiopia.  Her tail wagged as we made that donation.

Between the two places, she ended up donating over a third of her money.  I'm proud of her for making giving a regular part of her end-of-year routine and of her money management. 

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