Monday, August 19, 2013

One Last Time at Please Touch

It's said that the sweet spot for Please Touch Museum is ages 1 to 7. That seems right, since my kids, 6 and 8, appear to have officially graduated from it. After going dozens of time while being members a few years back, we hadn't been back until this past weekend, when I had ordered some tickets that were about to expire. We used to spend three hours per visit, but this past time, it was about half that. Not that we didn't have fun. In fact, since they were older, it was nice that they could have at the various stations and then come find me when they were ready to move on. And it was a nice combo of interacting with some brand new things, some slightly modified things, and some old favorites. And, for goodness sake, it's Please Touch Museum, which is all kinds of awesome, so it's impossible for a kid to not have any fun. Nevertheless, some of the funner places are specifically designed for toddlers and littler kids, so we had to either bypass those altogether or tread lightly. And, since we'd been so many times, even though it had been a couple of years, there was less to really grab them and hold their attention for more than a few minutes. I'm glad we had the tickets, and glad we went. We had a great time. I have no complaints about the place. I'm just stunned that my kids are older and bigger now.

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