Tuesday, August 30, 2011

San Jose Summer 2011 - Day 1

After holing up at home after our Ocean City vacation, it was off to San Jose for a week with my parents. Amy couldn't join us because she had to work. She dropped us and our belongings (big backpack for me, small backpacks for the kids) at the airport.

Jada was positively giddy about being in an airport again. She skipped through the terminal with a big grin on her face. Aaron was excited, too, but a little more muted, and he soon tired of dragging his rolling backpack.

The kids were quite good. They followed my orders through security and to and from gates, they ate all their fruit that I had packed, and they never once cried or threw a tantrum or kicked the seat in front of them. At one point, Jada even said to me as they were watching TV on a portable DVD, "can I read my book instead?"

Between books, coloring, cards, and DVDs, the travel time went by fast. Having a layover (and sharing a big smoothie) in Denver helped break things up.

Because we gain three hours traveling west, we left Philly in the early afternoon and arrived in San Jose in time for dinner. My dad picked us up and whisked us home, and my Mom was glad to see us all. I fed the kids a light supper, sent them upstairs to change into pajamas and play while I ate, and then read them bedtime stories.

They were out pretty quick, and soon after so was I. Looking forward to the rest of the family fun this week.

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