Sunday, April 24, 2011

Zoo Creatures

"Party for the Planet" at the Philadelphia Zoo yesterday was a bit of a dud, as morning rains put a damper on everything. We didn't arrive until the early afternoon, when it tends to quiet down anyway, so it was particularly sparse. Still, it was fun to visit our old stomping grounds, get in a few art projects, and say hi to our favorite residents.

Speaking of animals, there were two creatures whose behavior is of particular interest to me. Jada seemed to be in a good mood, even asking me to take her picture, something she rarely requests. Aaron, on the other hand, was in a foul mood, throwing a tantrum in the primate reserve, stomping off in front of the reptile exhibit, and completing the Triple Crown by sitting down in protest once we had left the bird center. Yup, these are my creatures.

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