Sunday, January 31, 2010

Riding the Regional Rails

Friends of mine in Mount Airy had graciously invited me to their house for brunch yesterday. Amy was feeling a little under the weather, and since they have a little baby, she opted to stay home. Since I hate driving and the kids like riding public, we opted to take the Regional Rail to my friends' place. We took the subway to the train station and the train to my friends' neighborhood, and within minutes were knocking on their door. It was a good thing it was a short distance, too, since it was freezing.

Since lines only run once an hour on weekends, I wondered what would happen if we just missed one. In fact, as we were concluding a lovely brunch, I checked the time and noticed we had just missed one; but my friends alerted me to the fact that there was another station not much further than the one closest to their house, and we could catch another train back.

So we did that, and arrived a few minutes before the train, which was just about right: too soon, and we'd be waiting in the cold, and too late, and we'd be cutting it too close. Aaron fell asleep on my lap, and Jada snuggled up to me because she was feeling tired as well, so the ride home was warm and cozy.

We took the subway home, getting home just as it started snowing, and Aaron continued his sleeping well into the afternoon. Nothing like a Saturday afternoon outing to take the starch out of him. I hope they will be able to look back on their childhoods and fondly recall these fun outings: quality time spent with their parents, all manner of transportation modes, every experience unique and special.

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