Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Kampus Kids

As both Amy and I were feeling under the weather this past weekend, we opted for a mellow Sunday afternoon jaunt to the Penn campus. I cannot begin to tell you how fortunate we are to be within walking distance of this urban campus. I was too young to remember what it was like to basically grow up on the University of Washington campus (we lived so close from ages 0-3 of my life, while my dad was getting his PhD, that the house is now owned by the University), but hopefully Jada and Aaron will fondly recall their early memories of tooling around the Penn campus: zig-zagging down Locust Walk, sliding themselves and their cars down the Button sculpture near College Green, and running up and down the ramps at Perelman Quadrangle. We ended up buying a pizza at a nearby food court and devouring the whole thing under a sitting statue of Ben Franklin, all the while shooing away squirrels used to us feeding them ample crackers at the same location. All in all, a delightfully relaxing day together, under the sun, watching the college kids and wondering if someday, our two will join them in the libraries and classrooms.

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