Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Moving Up

Even though Jada turned 4 last month, we were thinking about keeping her in the 2's and 3's toddler nursery at church, since her communication delays might mean she wouldn't be ready for the 4's, 5's, and 6's class. But this past Sunday, I volunteered in the toddler nursery, as I try to do every other month; and since there were only 4 kids and 3 adults (and 2 of the kids were mine!), there was plentiful time to grill one of the other helpers, whose oldest son is in the 4's, 5's, and 6's class.

She said that Jada would probably be OK, even if she struggled with her words, since the class is still pretty tactile-focused: crafts, blocks, and movement. I took the opportunity to excuse myself from the toddler nursery for a minute to peek in on the older class and could easily envision Jada participating. So starting this coming Sunday, that's where she'll be. Hopefully, the added focus on verbals there will help stretch her and not frustrate her.

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