Thursday, May 29, 2008

Caught a Break

Even though our pediatrician is referring us to a child ENT
specialist, he figured he'd prescribe yet another antibiotic for
Aaron's ear infection, just to give him some temporary relief from
the discomfort. Only between his office and home - and the three
places we hit between them - I lost the piece of paper. Even worse,
when I called the next morning, the nurse said our doc hadn't written
down the prescription, and wouldn't be in until tomorrow evening.

And then we caught a break. No sooner had I hung up that our doc
called into the office. The nurse asked, doc answered, and nurse
faxed in the order to our pharmacy, which I was able to pick up on the
way home from work. That night, Aaron had his first dose of relief
juice. And thank goodness: all day he'd been extra crabby. Hopefully
this'll take a little of the edge off. Poor little guy.

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